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Clean Air 2024

05.03.2024 r.

Under the Clean Air program, you can receive a subsidy for purchasing a heat pump. By choosing JBG HT heat pumps, you can obtain the highest possible co-financing. JBG HT heat pumps are listed on the ZUM list.

Clean Air Rules

The "Clean Air" program is a significant government initiative aimed at combating air pollution, particularly related to the emission of harmful substances from low emissions. Smog, a problem in many Polish cities, often results from the use of outdated coal boilers that release large amounts of toxic substances. The Clean Air subsidies aim to support residents in replacing old, non-ecological heat sources.

clean air, heat pump subsidy, ZUM list heat pumps

Clean Air Changes

New rules for co-financing heat pumps under the Clean Air program will come into effect starting April 2024. Subsidies for heat pumps will only cover those listed on the Green Devices and Materials (ZUM) list. The tightening of the list and changes in the program aim to verify the quality of heat pumps on the market and provide clear information to customers about the efficiency of the heat pumps they install.

Clean Air Deadlines

Program effective date with changes: April 22, 2024
End of the transitional period: June 13, 2024

Co-financing for Heat Pumps

To obtain co-financing from the "Clean Air" program for the installation of a heat pump, several necessary steps must be taken:

Co-financing Conditions for Heat Pumps

The primary condition is to verify the building's heat demand, which can be achieved through an energy audit. Then, you need to submit an application for co-financing in person or online through appropriate platforms. Interestingly, you can also apply for a subsidy from the Clean Air program to conduct the energy audit. Conducting an energy demand assessment is crucial for the proper selection of a heat pump. Only after a professional audit can the client be sure that the heat pump will operate efficiently and not generate additional operating costs.

Maximum Co-financing for Heat Pumps

The amount of co-financing depends on various factors, such as the applicant's income or the type of investment. However, there is a set limit that cannot be exceeded. By choosing a heat pump with an increased energy class, you can receive up to 19,400 PLN in refunds (basic level of co-financing). The conditions of the Clean Air program in 2024 confirm that it will be possible to receive up to 28,100 PLN (increased level of co-financing) and even 35,200 PLN in co-financing (for beneficiaries eligible for the highest level of co-financing) for the purchase of a heat pump with an increased energy class.

Clean Air Application

After verifying the building's heat demand and meeting the co-financing conditions, the next step is to submit an application for co-financing, which must include the necessary documentation. The application can be submitted in person or via the internet. They are accepted by the branches of the Voivodeship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. Completed forms can also be submitted to municipal offices that implement subsidies for heat pumps under the Clean Air program together with WFOŚiGW. If you are applying for a bank loan for the thermomodernization of the building - you will also need to submit a loan application to the bank along with the application for a subsidy from the Clean Air program.

Check: Clean Air application

Clean Air Subsidies

The "Clean Air" program also offers the possibility of co-financing the replacement of an existing boiler with a heat pump, which is an attractive option for owners of older buildings. The conditions for receiving the subsidy specify that co-financing can be obtained for a heat pump, but also for a photovoltaic installation, thermomodernization involving building insulation, or replacing windows and doors with energy-efficient ones.

Check: What subsidies are available in the Clean Air program?

ZUM List Heat Pumps

By choosing a heat pump with an increased energy efficiency class, you can obtain the maximum amount of co-financing. The heat pump must meet the highest energy efficiency requirements, which is ensured by the tightening of the ZUM list in 2024. In previous editions, up to 19,400 PLN was allocated for the purchase of heat pumps with the highest parameters. Take advantage of the subsidy, choose a heat pump from the Polish manufacturer JBG HT. With our heat pumps, you will receive the highest possible subsidy in the Clean Air program.

JBG HT heat pumps are listed on the ZUM list, confirming their highest quality and performance parameters. They also have an energy class of A+++/A+++. The level of co-financing for the purchase of JBG HT heat pumps will be the highest possible in the Clean Air Program.


The "Clean Air" program and the available co-financing for the installation of heat pumps are essential tools in the fight against air pollution and improving the energy efficiency of buildings. Thanks to this program, you can not only contribute to environmental protection but also achieve significant savings in heating costs. Before starting the process of applying for co-financing, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the program's conditions and consulting with the appropriate institutions.

In 2024, a new edition of the "Clean Air" program has started. Its rules have changed, and co-financing for heat pumps will be available by choosing heat pumps listed on the ZUM list. It is worth choosing heat pumps with increased energy efficiency class.



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