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European KEYMARK Certificate for Polish JBG HT Heat Pumps

29.11.2023 r.

Polish JBG HT heat pumps have received the KEYMARK certificate! This is further confirmation of the highest quality, efficiency, and Polish production of our heat pumps!



What Does the KEYMARK Certification Process Involve?

KEYMARK Certificate is an independent certification mark for products and services (including renewable energy devices), confirming their compliance with European standards. JBG HT heat pumps that have undergone the KEYMARK certification process were subjected to tests in independent, accredited laboratories, which confirmed their highest quality and energy efficiency. Certified devices undergo periodic quality and performance tests to ensure that products marked with the KEYMARK meet the certification requirements.

What Are the Benefits of the KEYMARK Certificate for the Customer?

Compliance with uniform European standards is the producer's obligation to maintain the European quality mark. Therefore, KEYMARK for heat pumps is crucial for the customer, providing comprehensive knowledge about the quality standards applied by the heat pump manufacturer. The CE marking confirms the product's compliance with legal standards, while KEYMARK certification provides evidence of quality and adherence to the highest standards by heat pump manufacturers. The Heat Pump KEYMARK, awarded in one country, is recognized in all countries covered by it.

KEYMARK Ensures Quality

The KEYMARK certificate is further confirmation of the highest performance parameters of JBG HT heat pumps. Independent tests conducted by HLK Uni Stuttgart confirmed that the models JBG HT 10K (ZHHS) and JBG HT 15K (ZHHS) have the highest possible energy class A+++ / A+++. The certification of JBG HT heat pumps was conducted by SZU, s.p. Zkusebni laboratory in Brno, Czech Republic.

JBG HT heat pumps are also listed on prestigious lists of devices meeting the highest energy-saving requirements - BAFA in Germany and ZUM Clean Air in Poland. By choosing a heat pump from such a list, the consumer receives a device of the highest quality on the market, meeting European energy efficiency requirements, and thanks to the energy class A+++ / A+++, has a chance to obtain a larger amount of subsidies from government support programs.

The Only Polish Inverter Heat Pump on Propan with KEYMARK Certificate

JBG HT heat pumps are the only inverter heat pump on propane (R290) produced in Poland that has received the prestigious HP KEYMARK certificate.

European KEYMARK Certificate Awarded to Heat Pumps:

If You Want to Install KEYMARK Certified Heat Pumps:




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